남성용 바노라 5피트1 H컵 블루 아이즈 피트니스 애호가 섹스 인형 실물 크기 인형

제품 세부 정보
Vanora is an uncommon 섹스 인형 with lustrous blonde hair. She is a college student from Seattle, and most of her life has been spent in libraries and classrooms.
Vanora loves to read, and she has a very vivid imagination that is always taking her on strange, wild adventures in exciting new places.
You’ll be surprised to know that Auburn is still a virgin! “I don’t have any practical experience of man-woman relationships, but if you don’t mind being my first one, and teaching me all the secrets of love, I promise you that I will be a very enthusiastic student,” she says.
Vanora has carefully preserved her pureness, so she can give you the gift of her virginity when you make her yours and take her home. She may be naïve and innocent, but she is sensuous and sexy as well, and aches for the touch of a strong pair of loving, male hands. She’s looking forward to finding my forever sweetheart here on the Yokidolls website.
Head SE#88
피부색: 밝은 황갈색
신장 157cm | 5피트1
가슴 위쪽 88cm | 34.65인치
가슴 아래 62cm | 24.40인치
컵 28H
허리 56cm | 22인치
엉덩이 97cm | 38.18인치
어깨 32cm | 12.60인치
구강 깊이 15cm | 5.9인치
질 깊이 17cm | 6.6인치
항문 깊이 17cm | 6.6인치
발 길이 21cm | 8.2인치
순중량 35kg | 77.2파운드
포장 크기 153*40*30cm
담요 1*